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Tank Smash & Monster Mash 2 - a 3000pt (yes, 3k!) Warhammer 40,000 Tournament at Tabletop Republic High Wycombe on Sat 13th July





- Tickets are £10

- REFUND POLICY: Please note we cannot process refunds within 30 DAYS of the event date

- We have a capacity of 12 players


Event Schedule

- Doors open: 10:00

- Round 1: 10:30 - 13:30

- Round 2: 14:00 - 17:00

- Round 3: 17:15 - 20:15


- Rounds are 3 hours long (note: this is subject to change based on pre-tournament discussions and actual games during the tournament!)

- Schedule subject to change


Army Rules

- This event uses custom rules, please see the following changes to the 'Muster Armies' rule:

- Only units with the MONSTER or VEHICLE keyword can be used

- Your army does not need to contain 1 Character, but you must choose a Warlord from your chosen units

- There is no maximum number of the same unit you can have in your army (ie you can have over the normal rule-of-3)

- Dedicated Transports can be deployed as if they had units inside

- Legends units ARE permitted for this event!

- The Daemonic Pact rule for Daemon allies counts as pre-dataslate (ie no Battleline units needed!)


- Aside from the above, regular rules apply


- Armies do not need to be painted, all armies will get the 10pts for being battle-ready
- Model representation (or ‘WYSIWYG’) is enforced to a reasonable extent. You should be able to tell what model is on the board just by looking at it; so the main weapon must be correct, as must the base size and model size/scale. Smaller details such as pistols/side-arms, equipment or extras are not required to be exact, but these differences should be noted pre-game. If you have any queries regarding WYSIWYG, please contact us ASAP to ensure no issues during the event


List Submission

- The list submission deadline is 10pm on the day prior to the event.

- Lists can be submitted to (via Battlescribe plain text) or to BCP directly

- Players who do not submit their list before the deadline are subject to disqualification


Tournament Rules

- We will be using custom terrain with pre-determined mission rules which will be announced prior to round 1

- Any rules, updates, FAQs, etc released prior to the Wednesday before the event will be valid for this event. If any exceptions are made for this rule, this will be notified to all players

- We will be using UKTC terrain, terrain rules & the Judges Q&A

- Rankings will be based on the following; Wins, Strength of Schedule, Battle Points

- Pairings will be based on the following: Wins, Victory Path, Battle Points


Other Bits

- Due to the casual nature of this event, we will not have prizing for this event

- In the result in an odd number of players (as we may not have a spare player), the player with the bye will recieve a 100-0 win

Tank Smash & Monster Mash 2

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