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Tabletop Republic High Wycome Ticket

Entry for one to the upcoming Malifaux 3E league! 

The full details of the league (inc. scoring etc.) are to be determined and will be published in due course over on our Discord server, where the league will be entirely administrated. As such you MUST be a member of our Discord server to play in the league:

The schedule however will be one match every two weeks, arranged at a time that suits both you and your opponent to be played at Tabletop Republic - again the Discord server will be where you can keep in touch with the other players in the league and arrange your fixtures.

Full details will be published no later than April 25th, sign ups are now live in order for us to gain solid numbers. This sign up includes payment for your first session - a regular £5 table fee with another £1 included which will go towards prizing at the end of the league. Subsequent rounds will be £6 each to be paid over the counter in store.

PLEASE NOTE - Entering a league system is a time commitment to the league commissioner and your fellow players. Please only enter the league if you will be able to fulfil your fixture every two weeks (allowing some flexibility on which evenings you are available to suit your potential opponents).

The league commissioner will be Alex (Discord handle Skiductions) who you can contact with any questions.

Tabletop Republic Store Malifaux 3E League Sign Up

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