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The catapults of Mordor are Sauron’s first port of call for when his armies need to breach enemy fortifications. Crafted from the strongest woods plundered from the forests of Middle-earth and bound together by great iron plates, these contraptions are a fearsome sight to those within a stronghold’s walls. Flinging huge boulders at the enemy, these catapults have seen cities and citadels fall from Umbar to Angmar. So heavy are the boulders fired, that each catapult has a Troll in order to load them, as well as to protect the crew from any attacks attempted by scouting parties.

The catapult itself is a huge contraption sculpted to look as if it was made from strong wood and Mordor-forged iron. With an immense, metal-bound boulder at one end, it is loaded by a huge, grizzly Troll who wears a mask and little else, and who carries a heavy rock. In addition to this, the kit comes with 3 Orc Warriors to attend to the catapult, each wearing sinister-looking heavy armour.

This detailed resin cast kit contains 21 components, a 60mm round base and a sprue of 4 25mm round bases with which to make a Mordor War Catapult

Mordor™ War Catapult

SKU: 99811462023
£42.50 Regular Price
£38.25Sale Price
  • PLEASE NOTE: This is a Games Workshop web exclusive product and as such is not held in stock as standard. This will be ordered by us directly from Games Workshop after you have completed checkout. Please be aware that a longer delivery time is to be expected.

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